Multiple editor plugin buttons don't work

I have two plugin buttons for my project, but only one appears on the editor toolbar. Using the modules manager, each plugin can be unloaded to show the other one as needed, but obviously this is not the most optimal workflow.

To reproduce the problem, create a new empty project based on c++. Create two editor toolbar buttons. The last one you create will be the only one on the toolbar. I’ve tried with 3 and it exhibits the same problem.

Tested with 4.24 and it works fine there, so this seems to be a regression.

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Same here, I am using 5.1.1 and this probelm exist till now.
I don’t know if this is a problem or what. I think maybe there is a code which allows priority or something or some type of positioning thing. I don’t know. If someone know please help.

Same here.

I created a new project with 2 Editor Toolbar Button plugins. Only the first one’s icon is showing.

I’m using UE 5.4.4.