Multiple Dedicated Servers On One System

I have a few questions about how to set up the networking for my game. I am creating a MOBA/RTS-esque game and it will have 3v3 matches. I would like players to be matched via matchmaking and have an authoritative server create a UE4 server instance for each client in the match to connect to. My questions are:

  1. Can I just use UE4 server instances for this, or will the performance not be good enough to run many instances on a single server system(possibly Amazon servers)?
  2. Would it be worth creating a separate server implementation that would be more lightweight than UE4?
  3. How would I handle routing each client connected to the single server device to the correct instance of the game server running on it?
    If you have any other recommendations/suggestions I would be glad to hear them!


Just run every instance on a differnt port. Connection a Client is pretty much the same as running one instance per machine (open <address>:<port>).

The performence depends on your game and your hardware. In General the ue4 dedicated Server is really lightweight and 6 Players per instance is not that much. But just try it out :slight_smile:

Alright thanks for the advice! I hope everything will run smoothly! Also is there an argument I can pass in when starting up a UE4 dedicated server to tell it which port to use?

yeah just add ?port=1234
here is a list with the start paramters

You can run a many server instances per machine. Gears of War 3 runs dozens of them per machine. Use the custom port setting like they suggest.

I just popped in to say that if you’re running a linux dedicated server you can specify the port with a -port <number> flag, like so:

./GameNameServer -log -port 7778

Hello there @JoeGraf,
My name and i run a small dev game team and i wanted to ask yo a few questions maybe you can steer me on to the right direction.
We are looking to make a Dedicated match making server. Simple a server that will host instances of the game when the room is full and player hits play. Something similar to a lobby and once host hits play the game runs for every one.

Question 1) is there any documentation that is available for this.
Question 2) we have our own servers and we want to convert one into this type of server.
Question 3) Is there any pre-built script that you may happen to know that has this functionality.? We are not looking to re-invent the wheel if you know what i mean.
Question 4) How are you :smiley:

Thank you very much

What if you have multiple NICs and you want a given server to host on one of them? That usually requires specifying the IP of that NIC.