Multiple crash error messages.

First things first, I’m no coder nor do I have a lot of experience.
I am struggling and doing what ever I can to make it work.
Im almost positive that all these crashes mentioned are related.
(Thanks in advance if you take the time to read this)

First problem: From the Epic Launcher I go to my game and double click. This message appears:

I can bypass this to open the game.

Second problem: I try directly opening a map and then this crash message appears:

I can bypass this by pre-loading that map. (seems to be only this map having problems)

Third problem: I notice the lighting needs to be rebuilt. I go to build and build lighting only. Then this message appears:

Please help… Ive been stuck here for quite sometime trying to google answers for myself but nothing besides starting over and migrating all the assets into the new game created seems to be the solution. (But heck… what do I know? Right?)
Let me remind whomever decides to help me that I am practically a noob at all this. You might have to explain things thoroughly, for me to understand. (it is what it is shrugs)

Thank you,

I think that game is incorrectly installed or has corrupted files… try downloading and reinstalling it.
Or maybe the copy you got is compiled incorrectly

It seems that a file is missing that should be in this folder:

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Alright so the first two problems have been solved. Reinstalling it did fix the first issue. The second problem I had to manually set all my static meshes to Nanite enabled, in order to directly load into my level.

Now building the lighting is still a problem. I got some more info in the crash logs now.

This is now the only problem I have at the moment. (Ive been told to do build lighting at the close end of the level design… but Im adding so much I like to stay on top of it. I have so many assets already placed… I cant seem to narrow it down for a solution.

I would say that you have some broken material.

This function is failing:

bool FHLSLMaterialTranslator::FSubstrateCompilationContext::SubstrateGenerateDerivedMaterialOperatorData(FHLSLMaterialTranslator* Compiler)

The error occurs here

			// Operators without any child
				if (!It.bUseParameterBlending)
					// When using parameter blending, we need to keep indices to be able to recover local basis information for normal blending.
					check(It.LeftIndex == INDEX_NONE && It.RightIndex == INDEX_NONE && It.BSDFIndex != INDEX_NONE);

BSDF => It seems to be something about refraction.

Maybe a broken translucent material?

I’ve never seen this error before…
Maybe someone who knows more than me can give you more information.

But if you are really desperate you can always try to delete suspicious files.
And see if there is luck and it opens.
But make a backup first.
But if you have a lot of corrupted files it can become a nightmare.

It is best to make backup copies because things like this happen sometimes.
I deleted my code once and emptied the trash.
It takes 5 minutes to recover it.
And there were a lot of corrupted files.
My last backup was 30 days ago.
But thanks to it I was able to recover 90% of the corrupted files.

I hope you can fix it.
Best Regards!!