Multiple Camera viewpoint on 1 game, based on abilitys

let’s just say I’ve created a first person shooter game with skills in it. I want to move camera to third person when ability is cast. and goes for first person again when ability’s duration is finished. how can I make that?

Have many cameras and switch between them. Or move the camera to another location.

Switching between cameras:

and goes for first person again when
ability’s duration is finished

  • use a delegate from the ability
  • or use a delay node
  • or use a timer + function / event
  • or count the time manually with tick
  • there’s probably a couple more ways

Hard to advise more precisely unless you include more details regarding how it all works. As in, how do we know how long it takes to cast, for example. What are the abilities? Actors / components / functions / events hooked up to keys?

actually, It is just a concept for now. I’m first trying to make models for level editor. but in project that I’m looking forward to do it, I’m gonna add a ability that changes form of main chracter. ranged to melee is a possiable thing to do If I look other games but when It comes to camera position to example in other games for proving myself It is possiable, theres lots of issues coming. because almost all of multiple camera viewed games has some control/viewpoint issues with it. while It is jsut a project, I just wondered is it possiable thing to do.

There are multiple tutorials on YT for this, it’s a pretty common and basic task.

theres lots of issues coming

How can you know that before even trying? An example of something you believe is hard to overcome?

actually, It is just a concept for now.

Perhaps come back with a specific question once you run into trouble trying to implement the exact logic you’re after.