I’m trying to setup multiple camera components for my character the same way you would have for a racing game: first person, third person, birds eye, whatever.
The problem is there’s no way to see what the camera is viewing if you have more then one camera component.
The camera preview you can see in the map editor only shows the first component with no option to switch between cameras and there’s no preview at all in the blueprint editor.
Being able to see and pin multiple cameras in both map and blueprint editor would be very helpful for lining up views.
As far as previewing in the Blueprint Editor, I think you mean that you’d like a similar preview feature in the BP Editor Viewport tab. Is that correct?
As you have shown in your image you can pin a camera, but if your character has multiple camera components you can only preview and pin the first one (I believe its the one highest on the component list), you can’t preview the others at all.
Yes i would like the ability to preview camera components in blueprint mode.
I understand now. I have entered a report in our bug database as UE-12428 (“Can only preview one camera from a Blueprint actor in the level viewport”). The feature request for BP Editor camera previews was previously entered as UE-8930.
You can track both issues on our public issue tracker: UE-12428 UE-8930
UE-8930 was closed due to inactivity (as is known to happen and is standard policy). If this is important to you, let me know and I can look into re-opening it.