Multiple button scroll down canvas ? (blueprint HUD widget)

I want to make a market page with full of item to buy.

I started a widget HUD in blueprint.
Each item has a number under it (value in gold) and a picture of the item.
But i cant make a scroll list. (horizontaly or verticaly).

is there a way to have a page of many item listed ?

There is a scroll element, just put your objects inside that and you will get it automatically.
To have dynamic 1s requires a bit more work but there are quite a few tutorials around for that if you do a quick search in the learn tab you will find them

i got this problem,

there is a better solution or i must get a CanvasPanel in a CanvasPanel ?

i found a turn-around to my goal
the widget switcher.
instead of scrolling for all my buttons in the scroll bar, i switch between pages tabs

the best way to use scroll down, I use to make a another blueprint widget and insert it in.
You must add more than space allowed in the box to make it work :wink:

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