Hey guys i’m just wondering how i go about this. I’m still learning and i’ve been stuck on this most likely simple thing for a few days now. I have 2 vehicles both childs. Originally i had a widget button cast to the parent and call a custom event that changes from mesh A to B, trouble with that is both vehicles would have their mesh changed to the same mesh because it’s obviously casting to the parent… i tried overriding functions but was out of my depth. I’ve instead deleted the customize logic out of the parent and built individually inside both childs. vehicle 1 has 2 meshes with a custom event changing between the 2 and so does vehicle 2. how do i go about setting up the widget button to only alter the vehicle being used. because i can only seem to get Button pressed > Cast to vehicle 1 > custom event. how on earth do i get it to cast to multiple targets but only if that target is active lol.