Hmmm ok have you this as rendering plugin or as engine extention? Is this a supported Feature or did wrote the code behind the stereo renderer by yourself? Cause i am trien to do something similiar with quad buffering stereo
Hmmm ok have you this as rendering plugin or as engine extention? Is this a supported Feature or did wrote the code behind the stereo renderer by yourself? Cause i am trien to do something similiar with quad buffering stereo
If you’re talking about “Instanced Stereo Rendering”, it’s a relatively new feature of the UE4 engine, added in 4.11, specifically for VR, which improves performance.
Are you able to render both windows as Fullscreen window mode?
Hi, this is my source MainUI GameManager
Longer works I believe we can still do better …
I use a function that takes the monitor list and then use the space of the main monitor minus the space of the second monitor to position the second window in the second monitor …
To use this code get a DropBox project in and adapte files to my files…
I’m still trying to create a version for plugIn that is on GitHub
More specific in this lines…
if (!isEditor)
FDisplayMetrics Display;
int32 PrimaryScreenX = Display.PrimaryDisplayWidth;
int32 PrimaryScreenY = Display.PrimaryDisplayHeight;
Window->ReshapeWindow(FVector2D(0, 0), FVector2D(PrimaryScreenX, PrimaryScreenY));
FSystemResolution::RequestResolutionChange(PrimaryScreenX, PrimaryScreenY, EWindowMode::Fullscreen);
I have used in full screen only when it is compiled the project in Package or Debug game to not get very nasty when I’m using the editor …
Ok thanks crash i am trien this again for some reason it did not work in the past at my beamer setup but at my setup at home with 2 monitors it did
Nope I meant the renderer you were talkin about in order to help you. Quadbuffering is something different as well.
Does this work with two windows in fullscreen mode? where do you call the methode get fullscreen?
Do you might know why this is stuttering in launch mode but working flawless in any simulation mode but standalone?
Fullscreen set here: EWindowMode :: Fullscreen
… i know that but does it work with two windows set to fullscreen on your set up ?
I could solve all my problems on my own by now.
I just adjusted your code and googled much to avoid crashes.
Its only about achieving quadbuffered stereo now. VRPN is allmost finished as well. When I have put all together i will upload a little demo video of what i achieved.
I tried to make the window maximize itself automatically at start but sadly that crashes in packaged builds (starting out of the project works).
Yes, I specifically made this to be used with a VR project. If you still have this problem, get Visual Studio 2015 (it’s free) and then add code to your project. This will cause the plugin to be built as well and then it should definitely work.
yes, my project startup 2 monitor in fullscreen…
if you still interested in what i am doing here is a little demo:
Hi All,
I realized that the entire game window content begins to vibrate very little … why? I already I disabled motion blur in the Extra Window camera and Project Settings / rendering …
Hi All…
I ended up doing a hackfix by Schlabbermampf from ( ← MainUIWindow-Project)
and Creating a plugin to use a second window in unreal… In my case I still need to use the motion blur … and with this code game screens end up working properly … I will leave my code for those who want to use …
Hey mate, any chance on getting this with a GPU affinity selection? ;D
Works great btw.
Seems to be something with AA, I changed it over to FXAA and it seems fine.
Thank you for the work!! I’m trying to build it with UE 4.13, the scene is clear when I run it, but when I rotated the scene with mouse control, the scene became blured like this
Cool plugin! Any chance you have a version working with 4.13? Thanks!