@Schlabbermampf i have allready figured that out myself thank you.
It works.
But my question was a different one.
I allready sent you a pn about my question exactly. I am Not that in to blueprints. Thus i am wondering how you have attached the capture 2D to a window. Cause i want to the Same but with a camera.
I allready got an idea of how you might could achieve that goal. But unfortanety i can Not try This out until tuesday.
So if you could tell me how you Managed that with the capture 2D in your example project that would be a great help for me.
Thanks in advance and best regards
Hi, Im Trying implement in my Project …
@CrashAngel : Sry, with the freeze, i still have no progress i also hope to get this fixed one day…
@: i worked with this to define the location and size of my windows:
[FONT=Courier New] int32 x, y, w, h = 0;
MyWindow.Pin()->GetNativeWindow()->GetFullScreenInfo( x, y, w, h );
MyWindowLocation.X = x;
MyWindowLocation.Y = y;
MyWindowSize.X = w;
MyWindowSize.Y = h;
MyWindow.Pin()->ReshapeWindow( MyWindowLocation, MyWindowSize );
FSystemResolution::RequestResolutionChange( MyWindowSize.X, MyWindowSize.Y, EWindowMode::WindowedFullscreen );
i didn’t try but i would try the following: build up your entire screen space from the top left corner: place the first window on (0,0) and size it accordingly to the screeninfo from GetFullScreenInfo(). put the next window on ((previous)WindowSize.X + 1, 0) and scale it by the new info from GetFullScreenInfo() (which gives now the screen info of the second monitor, because the window is placed there). go on like this, until the upper screen row is done and continue with the next screen row.
maybe something like this works xD but be carefull of your frames if rendering that much pixels
Hi, go implement in my Project your code … I Trying because in future i rendering that much pixels …
My Move Window Function… How I Focus Window UMainUI???
@CrashAngel : Sry, with the freeze, i still have no progress i also hope to get this fixed one day…
@: i worked with this to define the location and size of my windows:
[FONT=Courier New] int32 x, y, w, h = 0;
MyWindow.Pin()->GetNativeWindow()->GetFullScreenInfo( x, y, w, h );
MyWindowLocation.X = x;
MyWindowLocation.Y = y;
MyWindowSize.X = w;
MyWindowSize.Y = h;
MyWindow.Pin()->ReshapeWindow( MyWindowLocation, MyWindowSize );
FSystemResolution::RequestResolutionChange( MyWindowSize.X, MyWindowSize.Y, EWindowMode::WindowedFullscreen );
i didn’t try but i would try the following: build up your entire screen space from the top left corner: place the first window on (0,0) and size it accordingly to the screeninfo from GetFullScreenInfo(). put the next window on ((previous)WindowSize.X + 1, 0) and scale it by the new info from GetFullScreenInfo() (which gives now the screen info of the second monitor, because the window is placed there). go on like this, until the upper screen row is done and continue with the next screen row.
maybe something like this works xD but be carefull of your frames if rendering that much pixels
Hi, this my function to place window in my second monitor…
void SetFullScreenMode()
int32 MonitorIndex = 1;
FDisplayMetrics Display;
GameWindowLocation = FVector2D(-Display.MonitorInfo[MonitorIndex].NativeWidth, 0);
GameWindowSize = FVector2D(Display.MonitorInfo[MonitorIndex].NativeWidth, Display.MonitorInfo[MonitorIndex].NativeHeight);
GameWindow.Pin()->ReshapeWindow(GameWindowLocation, GameWindowSize);
FSystemResolution::RequestResolutionChange(Display.MonitorInfo[MonitorIndex].NativeWidth, Display.MonitorInfo[MonitorIndex].NativeHeight, EWindowMode::Fullscreen);
I’m not finding a role and as I do so soon after the game begins I can leave the window MainUI focused …
how have you solved this issue:
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_2770_0///####STATCAT_Advanced #### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_12c4_0///####STATCAT_Advanced ####
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘HTTPChunkInstaller’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogInitisplay: RandInit(1707644882) SRandInit(1707644884).LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:089] 0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprintLogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘GameplayDebugger’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:101] 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘GameplayDebugger’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.LogInitisplay: Game Engine Initialized.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:113] 0]LogInitisplay: Game Engine Initialized.LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: A opera��o foi conclu�da com �xito. (0)
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogWindows:Warning: CreateProc failed (2) …....\Engine\Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe -AppName=UE4-CosmicIllusion
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogThreadingWindows:Error: Runnable thread SlateLoadingThread crashed.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogOutputDevice:Error:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: begin: stack for UAT
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: Assertion failed: CurrentThreadIfKnown == GetCurrentThread() [File:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp] [Line: 1117]
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: Crash in runnable thread SlateLoadingThread
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogOutputDevice:Error:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: end: stack for UAT
LogPlayLevel: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Client exited with error code: 3
LogPlayLevel: Stacktrace: em Project.RunStandaloneClient(List1 DeployContextList, String ClientLogFile, ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, String ClientApp, String ClientCmdLine, ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em Project.RunInternal(ProjectParams Params, String ServerLogFile, String ClientLogFile) LogPlayLevel: em Project.Run(ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em BuildCommand.Execute() LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List
1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String] CommandLine) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Action
1 Main, Object Param)
LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Program.Main()
LogPlayLevel: ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes.
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=Error_Unknown
LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit
LogPlayLevel: copying UAT log files…
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Run Task, Time: 10.517573
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error
gettin the same error now
how have you solved this issue:
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_2770_0///####STATCAT_Advanced #### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_12c4_0///####STATCAT_Advanced ####
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘HTTPChunkInstaller’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogInitisplay: RandInit(1707644882) SRandInit(1707644884).LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:089] 0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprintLogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘GameplayDebugger’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:101] 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘GameplayDebugger’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.LogInitisplay: Game Engine Initialized.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: [2016.03.14-11.21.29:113] 0]LogInitisplay: Game Engine Initialized.LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: A opera��o foi conclu�da com �xito. (0)
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogWindows:Warning: CreateProc failed (2) …....\Engine\Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe -AppName=UE4-CosmicIllusion
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogThreadingWindows:Error: Runnable thread SlateLoadingThread crashed.
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogOutputDevice:Error:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: begin: stack for UAT
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: Assertion failed: CurrentThreadIfKnown == GetCurrentThread() [File:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp] [Line: 1117]
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: Crash in runnable thread SlateLoadingThread
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: LogOutputDevice:Error:
LogPlayLevel: CosmicIllusion: end: stack for UAT
LogPlayLevel: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Client exited with error code: 3
LogPlayLevel: Stacktrace: em Project.RunStandaloneClient(List1 DeployContextList, String ClientLogFile, ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, String ClientApp, String ClientCmdLine, ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em Project.RunInternal(ProjectParams Params, String ServerLogFile, String ClientLogFile) LogPlayLevel: em Project.Run(ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params) LogPlayLevel: em BuildCommand.Execute() LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List
1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String] CommandLine) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param) LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Action
1 Main, Object Param)
LogPlayLevel: em AutomationTool.Program.Main()
LogPlayLevel: ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes.
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=Error_Unknown
LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit
LogPlayLevel: copying UAT log files…
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Run Task, Time: 10.517573
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error
gettin the same error now
I do no…
Try Add Module Name Not Found in Your Project.Build.cs
In My case modules necessary:::
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class CosmicIllusion : ModuleRules
public CosmicIllusion(TargetInfo Target)
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore” });
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "OSC", "Slate", "SlateCore", "UMG", "MessagingRpc", "PortalRpc", "PortalServices", "GameplayDebugger", "ExampleDeviceProfileSelector" });
MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride = 1;
bFasterWithoutUnity = true;
// -------------------------------------------
// >> Add In OSC.Build.cs
// -------------------------------------------
// Definitions.Add("_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS");
// -------------------------------------------
// Uncomment if you are using online features
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystem");
// if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32) || (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))
// {
// if (UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSteamOSS == true)
// {
// DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystemSteam");
// }
// }
What do you mean by i do no?
Thanks in advance
And he does not find OSC Package… it launches now without any errors but only one black and one white screen -.-
You just need to include for PublicDependencyModuleName: “Slate”, “SlateCore”, “UMG”
July 15, 2016, 1:22pm
Hey guys, excellent thread! I used some of the info, did some debugging work and managed to get specific cameras to render in a new window.
I made a simple plugin for it, grab it here: GitHub - chaosgrid/ExtraCamWindow: A simple Unreal Engine 4 plugin that allows to have extra game wind
Works with UE 4.12 but also 4.11 I think, not sure about older versions.
It’s mostly a hack so use with care.
Godlike, thank you!! Plugin RLZ!
it’s nice, you don’t need a specialized UGameInstance. i played around a bit and derived the class from UUserWidget to just show itself in the ExtraWindow: Viewport->SetContent( TakeWidget() ); in initialization made it. works fine, besides the cursor is gone when clicking on an free space in the widget. clicking on a button, the cursor stays, but (the old problem), the game freezes until the mouse button gets released. any ideas on this?
source: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxObmjUEdjmid0VxdlNkdkx3XzQ
July 18, 2016, 10:48am
I think for “proper” multi-window support to get rid of all the bugs, we need some engine changes. There is already code for splitscreen and multiple local players, so I wonder how much effort it would be to create a GameViewportClient class for every local player with their own window. Then, there could be a simple setting “SplitScreen on same window or in separate windows”. But tbh I’m not really interested in it that much - I just wanted to have an extra window displayed with a special camera to allow for asynchronous gameplay with one player wearing an HMD and the other commenting on the gameview from another perspective.
I think as soon as it gets more complicated, you might be better off creating a proper multiplayer game anyways so you don’t have to render everything on one machine.
July 19, 2016, 12:41pm
Godlike, thank you!! Plugin RLZ!
it’s nice, you don’t need a specialized UGameInstance. i played around a bit and derived the class from UUserWidget to just show itself in the ExtraWindow: Viewport->SetContent( TakeWidget() ); in initialization made it. works fine, besides the cursor is gone when clicking on an free space in the widget. clicking on a button, the cursor stays, but (the old problem), the game freezes until the mouse button gets released. any ideas on this?
source: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxObmjUEdjmid0VxdlNkdkx3XzQ
I just added this functionality in the plugin, you can now use Blueprint functions to add and remove a widget from the viewport.
When a Build Package the Game, The Windows and ExtraWindows Show My Level in Low Resolution… Why?
July 20, 2016, 9:17am
I think you have motion blur activated. Motion blur does not work with this, just deactivate it. (check your post processing volume and/or deactivate it via console command)
It seems that you ve done some awesome work thanks for that.
But i got another Question.
I want both of the windows to be rendered in quadbuffered stereo.
Is it possible to add something like this to your addon to modify the projection matrix?
25212-howto+modify+projection+matrix+with+a+plugin.zip (7.2 KB)
Thanks in advance
Hey Chaos,
is there an easy and quick way to make the new Gamewindwo WindowedFullscreen?
Always crashes with the approach i try.
Thanks in advance
OMG, I’ve been searching for something like that for ages! Do you know if it can be used as part of a VR game? Will the “hack” still work in that case?
This could allow us to make VR games like what you see on PlaystationVR, multiplayer asymmetrical mixed VR games. Games where 1 player is playing from inside VR, with the VR HMD on and controllers, while another player is playing near them on the same computer, but using the keyboard and PC monitor to interact, possibly using this ExtraCamWindow plugin!
Or you could have 1 person in VR, while other players outside make choices or have control over the experience, from options/control on the monitor view. Like a scary party game where your friends have control over the haunted house while ur playing. heh
I’ve been asking the UE4 devs for some features to allow us to customize the default HMD Mirror Window, or display other cameras on it, but this might work fine too! Thanks for making it either way.
EDIT: I probably did something wrong… When I try to drop this plugin into a project, I get this error:
Missing or incompatible modules in ExtraCamWindow plugin - would you like to disable it? You will no longer be able to open any assets created using it.
And then this error:
Plugin ‘ExampleDeviceProfileSelector’ failed to load because module ‘ExampleDeviceProfileSelector’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.
I wonder if maybe it’s a conflict with certain VR rendering features… hmm
What vr rendering Features are you talkin about
Well, I’m not sure, cause I haven’t tested without it yet, but “instanced stereo rendering” is enabled in my projects… And so far I haven’t figured out how to get a project to load with this plugin.