Multiplayer widget problem in Main menu level

In tutorial case Main menu widget is not displaying.
In my way its displaying and working but still have console error…

I have the problem with Calling widget to viewport and showing mouse cursor. Working on this blueprints by official unreal tutorials Blueprint Multiplayer: Main Menu Setup | 05 | v4.11 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Tutorial Way to display main menu

My way to display main menu

Level Blueprint in both cases

Project settings maps & modes in both cases : Default mode Set correct, maps set correct, Game instance class set correct.
In main menu level game mode is none, like in tutorial.

Cant post more screenshots in this post, hope that someone will help me with this,thanks!

Found Mistake, IF not walid > Create widget > Set WidgetREF > Add to viewport> set show mouse cursor but still not work…