But, the change of the Text Render, on the top of the Player Character is changed only to the owner - but not to the other client. picture:
Here’s a picture of the menu blueprint:
Replication is always tough for me but I would think that even though the change is made you would still have to broadcast said change to other players.
Maybe your missing a notify somewhere ?
Further then that I would need to see whats going on to give you an answer that would work.
Hard to tell from the picture if your variable is rep notify or just rep… I don’t see a notify function that UE4 usually makes for you when you set something to rep notify but I don’t know if your handling that notification somewhere else.
Change the type of your name variable to RepNotify. Then when the notify event is triggered, set the widget using the name like you do when you get the click.
Even on actors TextRenders don’t appear to replicate their text.
I noticed you are using a widget. Most widgets don’t exist on the server so often aren’t able to replicate. You probably want to put PlayerName in your PlayerState then on RepNotify have each client find the corresponding widget and set the text there.
Or you could have it bind to the variable in the playerstate if performance isn’t a huge concern.
Or you could have the PlayerState variable OnRepNotify function call an event dispatcher that things that need to be aware of the change bind to.