multiplayer testing with steam or epic - service?

Hey there :smiley:

so Epic has this * service where they handel the matchmaking and other multiplayer related things for you. However, as I am still in the testing phase and do testing with 2 computers (lan&wifi), wouldn’t it be better if I just use the good old “steam-system”? Has anyone tried both, yet and has a clear opinion which one is better in the testing phase, not the final one though? Btw. is the one from Epic even available to not finished games?
Thank you very much in advance!


(Epic’s free Online Services launch for all game developers - Unreal Engine)
(Epic Online Services)

Yeah, I have tested with it, in case it is this:
I hope you mean this command…
No real troubles, but sure you notice something with a high lag. So still, how is the epic service for multiplayer? Should I switch and when would you recommend it?