Multiplayer Replicated Ue5 Matrix City Demo

Hey everyone
today i want to show you something really huge
something which i dint saw someone managed to do till now
so i guess we are one of the first people globally who made this…

Patrick the headdeveloper from my Team managed it to multiplayer
replicate the full matrix city demo level ! this was a demo level we got provided by epic games some months ago… an it really is a massive project containing a huge city pedastrian systems and also cars driving around.

we are all not sure why we are the first but till now i didnt saw any real
multiplayer videos in the unreal engine 5 city… there are many cool videos and fighting scenes with ai but nothing was fully ready for multiplayer

in the next days we will further test it with the full team and will also capture 4k videos of the session then currently everything is running on a simple laptop so here we currently have 2 sessions where we can play the game and test out everything

All this got created by Patrick in 2 weeks of time and will get further optimized very soon. Currently we are still working on improofments for the cars since they jam some time we also have mass ai on the map and everything is full mp replicated also when other players rejoin or spawn in the world in the distance

for performance resons only the colors and outfits are not replicated for the humans but the position etc get replicated otherwise this would blow up the load for the server

in te Video you see our character customizer framework integrated and you also see a new update of the framework that you can now also drive around with cars.

now we have the foundation for our full city in which we soon integrate
our Virtual shops / concert locations and much more. Also users will be
able to join races buy and customize new cars and also play together in missions similar to GTA.

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