So I have a multiplayer game where I use the PlaySoundAtLocation function when a character fires a weapon. Everything was working fine until I added a subclass of Synth Component (UMediaSoundComponent) to my character. Now, when PlaySoundAtLocation is called from the weapon fire, the fire sounds get muted at random times…This issue only seems to happen when connected to a server, not through the editor.
Something like this happens → Fire (sound OK) - Fire (sound OK) - Fire (sound OK) - Fire (sound Muted) - Fire (sound Muted) - Fire (sound OK), etc…
Any idea why this is happening when the Synth Component was added?
Any property that I should set in the Synth Component to stop this issue?
It seems that the issue occurs when overlapping sounds occur (i.e., PlaySoundAtLocation is called in successive fashion, like when firing the weapon and the weapon sounds overlap each other).
But again, this issue only happens when a subclass of Synth component is used in my class.
I had a similar issue when using Bluetooth headphones. Using wired speakers worked. We can only hope it’s that simple, lol
Does the MediaSoundComponent work as intended, separate from the weapon’s PlaySoundAtLocation?
Have you toyed with it to get it to be a more reproducible bug?
Yes the Synth component seems to be working fine.
It’s just interfering with other in-game sounds.
If I play a sound once (using PlaySoundAtLocation), the sound plays fine.
It’s only when sounds overlap that causes the issue.
And again, only happens over the network, not in the editor…