Multiplayer Players not Spawning at Player Start

Thanks in advance for your support!

Issue: With 5 players, 2 spawn at the world origin instead of correctly spawning at a Player Start.

  • I have checked collision
  • I have enabled “Always Spawn”


here are my blueprints for selecting random player start, and spawning the player. Note: In my Find Random Player Start function I have tried two methods, same result (methods displayed)

Go to Game mode → functions → override “Choose Player Start”.
In Pin “Player” is a Player Controller, Out Pin “Return Value” is a Player Start ref.
Do your code in this function.

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Thank you for the response! If my methods are wrong, they will be wrong there too I think, but this is good helpful advice. I have a few things to try, but still don’t have a solution yet.

Also, looks like you forced function to be pure. Pure used, when your function doesn’t need calls, but your function Find Random Players Start DOES need calls.

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