So all of the sudden client pawns in my game are super laggy. When ever the client spawns a actor the server sees it but it sometimes takes 2 minutes for the client to see an actor was spawned in the game and I can’t figure out why is this just lag or something else
Note it seams that the inputs the client dose run on the server but something is marking the update lag when sending to the client. This is only happened with pawns characters have no problem and one more thing both the client and server are running on the same computer so could it be the computer.
Now this will randomly happen then 30 minutes later randomly stop I’m so confused by this
can you describe your project more, how did you set up replication?
Replicate for movement is a a run on server then multicast witch has no problem but the spawn actors event witch is just run on server is the one that will sometimes have a huge delay most of the times it works just fine
I am wondering if the computer is lagging at updating the clients actions when this happens
I hope you’re not running any RPCs on Tick… If you are then that might be the problem.
Check the logs for saturation warnings and give the network profiler a spin to see what eats up the bandwidth.