Multiplayer, other client character's feet will slide when play a root motion montage

I am developing a multiplayer game, but when I execute an attack montage (with root motion), my character’s feet slip due to sync position delays in other clients.

I have a solution, but it cannot be implemented due to UE5:

  1. Disable Replicate Movement when playing montage in my character
  2. Through multicast, let all server and clients to play montage at same time
  3. Because montage has root motion, all my characters will play montage and move
  4. Enable Replicate Movement

But when other characters playing montage on the server, this character will not move unless enable Replicate Movement :frowning:
When any character on the client plays a montage, it will move

Is there a way to solve any of the above problems?

  1. Due to network latency, my character’s feet on other clients slipped while synchronizing the montage animation
  2. When Replicate Movement are disabled, other characters on the server can move while playing montage