Multiplayer Character Select Screen won't work on Client's side

So basically, I’m new to replication in Unreal Engine, I’m more used to work on singleplayer projects so forgive me if I’m really confused and all that. Either way, I’ve been working on this project for the past few weeks and my issue is that my character select screen will work perfectly fine on the server but on the client I can’t possess the actor I would like to.

I followed a few tutorials and seeked knowledge through this specific forum and reddit however still couldn’t figure it out.

The process is simple, you join a session, the gamemode blueprint assigns you a team, the player controller blueprint spawns in the character select screen for everyone (everything works so far), then you press the “lock in” button after selecting a character. When pressing that button you tell the player controller blueprint (through an integer variable) that you want it to spawn this character (actor) and possess it, which depends on the value of the integer (except it doesn’t possess anything).

I’m sorry if my intructions aren’t clear at all, I’m not a native english speaker and I’m way too tired to be doing this right now. I can provide pictures if it could help solve it by the way, you just have to tell me!

nvm found the problem. I was running my event replicated on the owning client and then replicating the same event to the server and I was supposed to do the opposite probably something due to the fact the possess event is a server side event only.

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