Hey everybody!
Me and some other people Are trying to develop a online card game.
We have started with a lobby that has a create session and a join session
The lobbies appear on the list and you can click on it to join
The question is now: what now?
The whole game is in one level with only widgets.
I think we have gone the wrong way with this and would love some help on this.
We want it to change to a lobby that shows all players, this I think we can manage, but how do you for example give the host only rights to start the game?
That question will solve many different things as well, because we want the game to start - one widget to pop up for the ones that have joined the session, but the one that started it to have another widget.
Host - starts game - gets a widget with 3 cards for him to choose - then game starts
Player - wait until host starts game - gets a wait widget - gets a new widget when cards choose where they choose a card.
The thing is that we can Max have 6 players, and we Are thinking local, Or online if it is not to hard tough… The most important is to give certain players widgets and the host or the one that has the boss role another widget, and that they have the same widget at some point but certain players can’t click.
Maybe assign controls to certain players by ID? But when we tried to find the id and connected to lobby we had a print string and all players had the same one
The easiest would be to give the players the button “host game” in the main menu and use the "onserver"note. everything after that will only displayed if you are the server - the host of the game. for tutorials I recommend the one from epic ( https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gYqSlbGQVKsRg6fpxWndZqZ/abmzWUWxy1U/index.html ), they show you how to set up everything you need for a multiplayer-game
But this serves as a steam compatible thing right? I want multiplayer by html5 maybe or just a server where you can run the program from a computer and play, or just lan, not steam for now maybe. Unless that’s the most easy way?
Okey, I’m gonna take a look, but interact widget with each other, is that hard to set up, like if one player has a widget, that picks a card and that changed also something for the other widget? Would that be just to put up the same result to display on the other one as well?
if I understand your question correctly, this should be solved by simple blueprintcommunication( altering the other widgets from the one, that did something) - just make sure that you call it on the server (the “onserver” note or something like that was it); just for anticheating ^^