Multimaterial landscape painting without tiling

Hello everyone,

I draw landscapes in aerial view, about 50m from the ground (just for the fun of it). So the war against the tile effect is permanent. I’ve tried multiple texture settings but to no avail.
I’ve created a classic blend material, with grass, mud, stone, but either the textures are visually too large or they tiles.
I use a nontiling material, non repetition with the noise effect. It’s good! but there is onlyone material.
Finally, I tried mixing the two techniques, to get different channels of non-repeating textures (ideally 5 or more) that you can paint directly onto the landscape, but it doesn’t work. I have : “This layer has no layer info assigned yet. You must create or assign a layer info before you can paint this layer.” But I can’t see my textures in Paint menu too clic on weight blended layer.
I can’t seem to solve the problem. Does anyone have any ideas?
Help me please ! :slight_smile: