Multiline text box that multiple lines of text get added into it via button press?

Hello, all.
I’m trying to make a text box that allows for multiple, read-only lines to be added into it, but all my attempts cause my box to only print one line, then replace that line with another upon clicking another button. It doesn’t print them out separately. I haven’t yet figured out a possible solution for it.

When the button is clicked once:
text box example 1

When the button is clicked again, however, it just clears the first line and adds a new line in its place:
text box example 2

Any suggestions and help will be greatly appreciated.

It might help you

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That video got me to the problem.
I watched it already, and it helped at first, until I got to the issue I’m having.
I appreciate the help though.

The answer is in the video, namely:

May not be related but if you’re making an event log of sorts, consider this: