Finally, I can reproduce this issue, i´m going to raise a bug as well, and refer to this thread.
Also uploading example on a Gdrive:
See this:
Create blank project, 1st person template it´s ok.
Create a Child class of FirstPersonCharacter, call it FirstPersonCharacterChild.
Change GameMode to use FirstPersonCharacterChild as default Pawn ← Very important…
on Base class, I have this very simple code, standar server/multicast example:
- On child class, I have this:
- TEST: when I press Q; it works as expected, messages are like this:
I can see message from child only, just once per client connected. as I didn´t call parent, so far we are good… let´s call parent now:
- Add parent call, just like this, don´t worry about parameter, it´s dirty.
- Test again, by calling now parent, we should see a parent printing something, then child printing something…
I´m expecting to see here a call in the parent, then a call in the child x 2 (server + client)…
BOOM, I see this… client is receiving multicast twice… and server once.
Why when you don´t have a parent call it works fine? and when you have parent call it duplicates the call???
Driving me crazy here…