Multicast Delegate only calls one subscribed function

so i’ve added my method to the FEditorDelegates::OnAssetDragStarted multicast delegate. This works fine. I’ve done this because I want to be able to drag Levels/Maps into the viewport, which are then added as a streaming level to the currently open Level/Map. this works like I intend it to, however I am now unable to drag anything else into the scene. (e.g. I can’t drag any actors into the level). It feels like only my method I added is called and not the other editor methods.

Here is my code:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Editor.h"
#include <Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/ActorFactories/ActorFactory.h>
#include <iostream>

class SNAPEDIT_API LevelMerger
    LevelMerger() {
      FEditorDelegates::OnAssetDragStarted.AddRaw(this, &LevelMerger::OnAssetDragStarted);

void OnAssetDragStarted(const TArray<FAssetData>& assetDatas, class UActorFactory* actorFactory);


and the .cpp file:

#include "LevelMerger.h"
#include "EditorLevelUtils.h"
#include "FileHelpers.h"
#include "Engine/LevelStreamingdynamic.h"

void LevelMerger::OnAssetDragStarted(const TArray<FAssetData>& assetDatas, class UActorFactory* actorFactory) {
	for (FAssetData assetData : assetDatas)
		if (assetData.AssetClass.ToString().Equals(L"World"))
			UWorld* editorWorld = GEditor->GetEditorWorldContext().World();
			if (editorWorld)
				TArray<ULevelStreaming*> streamingLevels = editorWorld->GetStreamingLevels();
				FString levelPath = assetData.PackageName.ToString();

				ULevelStreaming* other = NULL;

				for (ULevelStreaming* levelStream : streamingLevels) {
					FString otherName = levelStream->GetWorldAssetPackageName();
					UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *otherName);
					if (otherName.Equals(levelPath)) {
						other = levelStream;

				if (other) {
					TArray<AActor*> actorsInLevel = other->GetLoadedLevel()->Actors;
					for (AActor* a : actorsInLevel) {
						GEditor->SelectActor(a, true, true);
					GEditor->edactDuplicateSelected(other->GetLoadedLevel(), false);
					UEditorLevelUtils::CreateNewStreamingLevel(ULevelStreamingKismet::StaticClass(), other->GetWorldAssetPackageName() + "1", true);

				else {
					ULevelStreaming* level = UEditorLevelUtils::AddLevelToWorld(editorWorld, levelPath.GetCharArray().GetData(), 
		else {

I initialize this class in the TickComponent function of a UActorComponent. The Component is set to tick in the editor, so LevelMerger gets initialized on the first Tick in the editor. I also made sure to only initialize it once.

Help would be appreciated since I wasn’t able to find anything similar online.
Thanks in advance