Multi-User LAN Display Name

Hi all,

I’m setting up a Multi-User dedicated server for my team in a small office where we’re using sync’d dropbox as our storage. We’re able to edit the same project file with all assets sync’d. This properly differs from using Github/Perforce but so far it’s working well HOWEVER it bugs me alot when the Display Name stored under Multi-User Editing settings changes everytime someone press save.

I.e. TeamMemberA is the last one saving the file, when TeamMemberB opens the project and joins the session, his Display Name is set to TeamMemberA because that’s the Display Name stored under Project Settings. Then, when TeamMemberC is the last one saving the project, next time TeamMemberA and TeamMemberB open the project, their Display Name will be TeamMemberB.

Everytime before we join the session, we have to go into the project settings and change our Display Name which becoming quite annoying.

I know this is happening because whenever people saves, they’re literally overwriting the project settings/file that’s stored in dropbox shared folder. So my question is, is there a workaround/I miss something during setup or is it that dropbox shared folder simply no good?


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