Multi-User Editing not updating for other user

My friend and I are new, and want to create a game tomorrow on UE5 using Multi-User Editing. We’re not using source code, just sending each other the game folder to work on it together. So far, we can connect to the server. We can see when the other moves one of the default cubes in the engine, but when we try to apply a new material or asset from Megascans, the change does not apply.

We would appreciate any help, thank you.


That might sound basic and late, but have you tried to save after you’ve modified the material ?

I’m rn configuring a similar set up as you. Not quite sure setting up source control via perforce is mandatory for what we intend. What have you learn so far with your experience ? How did you manage to update the files after a session ?

Would appreciate to know how it worked out for you !