I have been experimenting with my new multi touch monitor and UE4, a client wants us to create a multi touch controller to move around in an arch-vis.
I’ve been trying to get the input touch finger index printed to see if a second finger is detected. It does not recognize anything else than the first touch and only IF the input .ini file is specified to take mouse input for touch…
Does anybody know if multi-touch in windows 10 is supported? It seems like it is because i can zoom in and out in de editor with two fingers, after hitting the play button however the system does not recognize any second finger.
I am also quite curious if someone knows any good tutorial or good documentation on how to implement this correctly.
Haven’t done any multi-touch on Windows, but I imagine it works the same as mobile. Here’s a couple different ways of getting the inputs based on the touch index:
First method works well for individual events. Drag out the Finger Index output and type “switch” to get a nice little guy that redirects the exec based on which “finger” is touching the screen.
Second one works nicely for perpetual events, when you need to constantly create a vector based off of a swipe or finger:screen orientation or something like that. Doesn’t require an exec; just plug the outputs into whatever you need. Click the dropdown for your Finger Index options. These nodes will handle a single index, which is great for splitting up your perpetual/over-time actions into manageable chunks.
Thank you for reacting so fast!
I’ve tried both these approaches for reading out finger indexes but for some reason i do not get anythings else back other than touch 1.
I feel that i am missing something simple, but i cannot find any decent documentation on how to propperly set up an touch project for windows
Yeah, i’ve noticed several post and issues raised on this missing feature. A lot of companies like ours (arch-viz) would benefit from this feature. Maybe that UE4 for enterprises will put it on their prio-list a bit higher…
Thanks for your reaction anyhow!
OK, after months of tinkering I’ve found slight a workaround!
I’ve taken mouse scroll input to create a pinch to zoom. UE4 recognizes pinching as scroll-mouse actions if you have the correct settings (use mouse for touch).
Although no gestures and stuff can be implemented yet, this already brought me a bit closer to the final result i wish to see!