Multi Sphere Trace By Channel Array Issue, Emitter only triggered once.

As seen in the screenshot, I am using a multi sphere trace by channel with a for each loop going through all the hits. I break the hit outside of the function because i use the sphere trace for other things.

I am using a blueprint interface to trigger an Emitter VFX on the point of impact on the enemies.

But the Emitter only plays on the first point of impact despite the Sphere trace detecting all the needed collisions.

As seen in the print, it only returns the closest collided object name instead of all of them.

How do I go through all of the objects that the Sphere traced and play the Emitter on all of the impact points?

Thank you in advance

(For clarification, I am using UE 4.27)

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You’re terminating the function after the very 1st iteration:

Run the logic in the loop, and only Return when the Loop Completes.

Alternatively, return the Out Hits array, and For Each Loop outside this function.

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Thank you, running the for each loop outside of the function did it.

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