Multi Objects Renaming Tool

Hi folks,

Issue with my account resolved and MORT available for sale again. Enjoy


P.S. more info regarding the issue here:

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Hi there!

From now MORT supports UE5!

Enjoy :wink:

Hi folks!

I have made the new video “How to install and use MORT”:

Enjoy! :sunglasses:

:star_struck: !! MORT is on sale right now !! :star_struck:
Hurry up to get 50% off

Does this tool work with the undo function now?


Undo it is not trivial function for MORT (especially for content browser). For now it is not supported, but I will try to add something in the next versions.


Ok, thanks for the info! Would be nice, if you could add that function!

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ActualIy I am working on it now. Already have some progress. I will send on review the new version soon (MORT with Undo for only last operation). In next versions I will try to add fully functional Undo feature (for all made operations - one by one).
Also thinking regarding save\load presets. stay turned :slight_smile:



New version of MORT with function “Undo” is available at UE Marketplace.
Btw, fixed some rare crashes, so it is more stable too.

Enjoy :wink:

Oh, nice, thx, gonna purchase it now :slight_smile:

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Where is the “undo” Functioin though in 4.26 ?

UNDO over the Editor itself also doesn’t work.


Also, what would be really great, if you could add the option in the “numerate” function
to numerate like this: 0001, 0002, 0003… or 001, 002, 003… or 01, 02, 03…

Oh, will check everything for 4.26 and get back to you soon.

Found the issue. Updated version (with undo and leading zeros for numerate function) for 4.23-4.26 will be available soon after Epic Games review (1-2 days)
Sorry for inconvenience.

Nice, that sounds good! Thx for the fast reply!

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Wow, it was really fast review from Epic Games, so it is already available and you can update MORT for UE4.26 right now and use recent version with all features! enjoy :wink:

Nice! Thank you very much for your fast support!
Now I can really use this tool as needed :grinning:

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Hi there!

Hurry up to get 50% off on MORT !!! :sunglasses:

!!Get MORT!!