I’m trying to set up a multiple launcher installation as per https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/GettingStarted/Installation/MultipleLauncherInstalls/index.html
However despite following the document to the letter I always encounter issues getting the launcher to accept the engine. Usually it shows up as greyed out forcing me to install the 4.25 engine which then errors out because the location of the 4.25 engine is “not empty” (obviously) and that the overwrite registry key is set to that directory.
I’ve jumped through a bunch of hoops trying to get the software to properly approve of the engine such as using the versionselector.exe and manually modifying registry keys but nothing seems to help.
The final solution that “works” is to start the engine download via the launcher, then exit, copy in the engine, and restart the launcher so it can validate. The one major drawback to this is that I’m trying to automate this into a single installation script that can deploy remotely and this makes it impossible as I would have to go to each computer manually and run through this process.
The question:
Where does epic games launcher store the installation process status? If I can manually manipulate this it should resolve my issue.
Alternatively is there a proper way I should be doing this? I’ve also tried “.uproject file's EngineAssociation saves a GUID, which causes problems for teams using UE4 source code - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums” but this seems like an ancient solution which won’t work with my company’s file storage infrastructure.