I am trying to make a Map Variable with String->Text, but I need the Text to be Multi-line…
It seems Maps only support single line Strings and Text?
Or am I missing something? I don’t see a wayof selecting Multi-line like you can with Single String/Text Variables
Well, I could do that, but I think it would be MUCH easier to just make my own struct with single variables set as multi-line…
Why would I go though the complex effort your talking about and making a custom script etc.?
I was trying to avoid using a custom struct when a Map Variable type is already implemented…I was just wondering if Maps truly do not support multi-line or if I am missing something. Wasn’t really looking for a different solution, using a custom struct if I have to, but would much rather use a Map.
This is good to know, thanks for the details on memory usage and bandwidth.
Bandwidth is not an issue in this case for me, I suppose memory could be, but realistically speaking, what kind of situation where using a struct taking up more memory would actually be an issue?
An array with how many structs where the struct is Multi-line Text->Multi-line Text and that is all?
I dont really see where memory usage would be an issue.
I could see where performance may be, but again, in the situation I am usng them, I don’t think it will be an issue.
Also, I need Text, not String. String does not support localization
Huh, that is interesting. And good to know. I never even thought to try since in editor I could not enter multi-lines or choose the option.
This would work for me since the variables will be set at runtime by the user and not by devs in editor.
I did decide that instead of a custom struct, I was just gonna try and use two arrays, and use index of one array to get the value from other array. I find using a map cleaner and easier.