Mulit-Audio Outputs(Endpoints)

I am currently trying to build a system for a local voice chat, that allows a VR Player(Tethered) and a PC player to talk to each other using a walkie talkie effect. I am currently using 4.27 and have seen some potential solutions but have been unsuccessful with there implementations. The solutions include:

  • Middleware such as Wwise
    I had issues with output not being created at all (Not_implemented shown when using AddOutputFunction). I also found a solution which involved modifying AKComponents, but when I changed the String Field in BP UE4 would crash.

  • Using the Audio Extensions module which has an AudioEndpoint Interface

I am currently stumped and wondering if it is actually possible with 4.27 Audio Engine.

So my main Questions include:
are there any good resources on utilising the Unreal Audio Engine?
Is the AudioEndpoint the potential solution, I just need to keep digging?
Is there any other solution to try?

Anything will be a great help and grealy appreciated!!
