MSVC compiler without Visual Studio?

This is my first post, so let’s keep this a “no judgement” zone… (jk)
My computer has not that much storage, and the VS IDE is kind of heavy. I was wondering if I could just install the Visual build tools and compilers and use VScode as an IDE with it? I hope there’s a GUI-friendly way to do this because I’m very new to C++ and C# programming. If I have to mess with source code, please tell me exactly how to do it.

Here’s the first hit when I google that, looks like it works fine? Unreal C++ with Visual Studio Code – Jolly Monster Studio

I know that the compiler will work, but I need to set the compiler path from Visual Studio to the build tools (C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild). I have access to the source code. I was thinking, could I just put the build tools in a series of folders so it appears to the compiler that the tools are from Visual Studio, or would I have to reprogram a file for the path or something in the source code?

I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. From that link it looks like you install the MS Build Tools and VSCode, then run through the steps to get Unreal to use VSCode instead of VSCommunity.