Hi there.
A beginner needs help with a multiplayer question:
In my PvE First Person shooter, when playing through steam (Advanced Session) the client sometimes sees the enemy character clipping halfway through the floor. When the Animation changes the enemy is often back on the floor like it should be but then can Clip again after a few seconds.
I often Show about 20 - 30 enemy characters and its affecting about 5 of them. It’s always affecting different Skeletal meshes so it’s not a problem of the meshes. See Clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk66mQso4VI
I checked “always check floor”, Set the characters to always be relevant, checked the collision (it’s working for the Client so it should be a replication Problem), checked the Capsule (it always stays above the floor, only the mesh is clipping) and set the netupdate frequency to 100/ min 20 as I thought the mesh location is not properly replicated. Physics replicarion ist Enabled. The net Cull distance should not be the problem as this occurs with enemy that are close and far away.
This problem is only occuring when playing via steam. If testing with Listen Server / Client in the engine, even with Network latency “Bad” the problem does not seem to be present.
I have no idea where to look for a fix at this point.
Could someone please help me out?
Best regards!