Hey guys, I created another new project but this time, I wanna organize the files because I wanna build this game when I finish it, so … I sorted all the files in “Starter content pack” and everything works well now, except the ThirdPersonCharacter.uasset I spent hours trying to fix it but it didn’t work with me … when I press on “play” button I move as a spectator not as a 3rd person player.
What should I do?
Thanks for help!
In your GameMode class, is your character class the one you want?
Hi,Blaxe - Obay
I have a couple of questions:
- Did you move the game mode you are using?
- Have you fixed up your re-directors?
Hi, I just moved thirdpersoncharacter and game mode assets both in the same place together in other folder then I opened game mode and changed “default pawn class” from “none” to “thirdpersoncharacter”
That’s all, I don’t know about “fixing up the re-directors” … don’t know what you are trying to say to be honest!
This is what I get when I open my project
I ran a few tests and was able to reproduce this on our end. I was able to resolve this by going under the Maps & Modes section of the project settings and I made sure to set my default game mode back to the desired game mode. If you move the game mode asset it will set itself to none.
Thank you, kinda fixed my problem … before I do this I was spawning as spectator not as character … now … I spawn as character BUT in the same point i press play, man my life is a mess!
A whole day trying to fix something seems simple but it’s not …
this is the settings of the character
Select your character blueprint in the level and make sure in its details under the pawn settings that you have auto possess set to player zero. This will allow you to begin play as the character you are placing in the world.