I’m newbie with Unreal and I want to develop a spaceship game. I know how to make the spaceship but I don’t know what kind of object I have to use to ‘draw’ a start.
Imagine that I flying with spaceship throw the space and I want to move the stars to show that I’m moving. Maybe the stars could be small spheres but I don’t know how to make them give off light?
How would you represent the stars? How would you make them to give off light?
Should the player be abel to control the ship?
starlight -> just add an emissive effect in your material + create an actor bp + attach a point light to them
://www.worldofleveldesign/store.php there is a section and it is free about where to start and how to start in game design. Trust me I right there with you. I am havin to learn things I didnt think would be related but when your a lone wolf or a one man army you gota do what a mans (or gal) gotta do. Its all fun and games until it gets borring.
But you dont have “real light” -> it wont cast shadows, other meshes wont receive the light from the emissive,… -> that’s why you have to add a point light or enable “emissive lights” (but that’s just a static light)