Moving the character's capsule down

I made the rolling mechanics, and during the animation the character should be able to pass under obstacles, I made the persona capsule decrease, but at the same time the character began to fall under the floor, how could I fix this and make the capsule follow the character’s model?
2023-03-24 20-01-46.mkv (8.6 MB)

Hey @Metallic_emperor!

So there’s a few ways to go about this, typically I would have two colliders and flip-flop them… But what I’m seeing in the video is that you have a second collider that’s higher up, instead of low. Keep in mind, your capsule collision is your collision with the floor.

Would you mind showing your roll code and your viewport view on the character BP with the capsule colliders?

Okay. So here’s what you want to do.

Before your “Set Capsule half height”, drag in your skeletal mesh and use “Get Relative location”, add an EQUAL amount of Z to the amount you remove from the half-height right after your half-height adjustment and use “Set Relative Location.” Then just do the reverse right before your half-height reset! :slight_smile:

It’s works, thx.

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