I am trying to move the camera to get a better view in my game, but whatever change I make I dont see it when I play the game. The camera does not move and the viewport does not change, I feel like my missing something important. I press compile and save after I move the camera component but when I press play I dont see any changes? Im using the Side Scroller Template.
Here is my camera and no matter where i move it, if i hit compile and save I dont see changes in game.
The default camera for the side scroller template in 4.3 is now Orthographic. With that camera setting you only need to change the Ortho Width to adjust the camera distance. With the perspective camera (like you have set), it should adjust by just dragging it like you are doing.
Try deleting and recreating the camera to see if that helps.
I fixed it, I selected the Pawn Class as the parent class but I had some code that handled the capsule component and the character I just inherited that and it worked fine!