Moving StaticMeshComponent through FTimeline also affects other StaticMeshComponents (C++)

Hey guys,

I have a weird Problem where I want to move a SMC (StaticMeshComponent) in a Timeline Function, but the other SMCs attached to root are moving too.

My method is like this:

-Base Class with one SMC as his member

  • SMC is attached to root

-New Class derived from Base having a new SMC which should be behind the base SMC

  • Another Member FTimeline handles an Animation which should move the base SMC to another Position

  • !!!The Derived SMC moves too!!!

I tried moving the Base SMC in my Tick Function and it behaves like expected (The Derived SMC doesn’t move)

I hope you can recreate my issue and fix this bug
Maybe I made a Little mistake somewhere, but I can’t think of a way to help myself

Thanks in advance for you answer



This is how I build my timeline
I’m using FTimeline instead of UTimelineComponent

Issue solved.

I manipulated the Location of the Actor in another Timeline.

Sry for any inconveniences :slight_smile: