Hi, I’m trying to make a rope that on one side, is stuck to a static mesh and on the other side follows mouse movement.
I made a rope skeleton with bones in maya, imported to unreal, and added physics constraints to each bone in order to deform the mesh. That seems to be working well.
Popped the skeletal mesh into a blueprint, threw a physics constraint component to join the static mesh cube and the root bone of my rope together.
Then I added a physics handler in hopes to be able to grab the last bone of the mesh and have it follow my mouse movements, but it does not seem to move at all.
Here are some pictures of my set up:
Rope physics asset (attached to skele mesh):
Rope class:
Event graph:
In game showing trace from skeletal mesh position to cursor
Pretty stumped, was following this guys tutorial for the most part, except he implemented a grab and place to pick up and drop a physics handler object, but I just tried skipping that and plug in things as I went.
Appreciate any help!