This results in broken references, copied files, copied folders, things moved to the root and duplicated and so on. files refusing to appear in the solution. complete carnage. After trying to neaten up my project I’m not in a situation where I am spending the entire day just piecing it all back together, and of course, it’s still not in the right structure.
Is this a known issue?
EDIT - Some more information people might find useful
- perforce is connected
- I am moving them in the editor
- after moving them, perforce marks the new
ones for add, but the old ones don’t
get marked for delete - yes indeed, the old ones are just those weird
little 1/2kb redirect files or
whatever they are - the only fix I have found is to mark those other
little files for delete, close the
project, open it and relink stuff,
because it seems like even though I
do an in-editor move, there is still
odd stuff going on with the
referencing dependencies.