Moving code from PC to GameMode - issues

Not sure if this code is better suited in the GameMode bp or I should just leave it in the PC for now.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
As of right now most of the functionality that I built is hosted in the PC. After reading more I came to the understanding that it is better to have some of the functionality moved to the GameMode, specifically stuff that is governing the entire level. For example, I have a few variables that keep count of Ammo, Targets present in the level. I was thinking of having that hosted in the GM, since it makes more sense.
Then I thought about moving the creation of my UI Widgets, like Loading Screen and Main Menu in the GM as well. Here’s the issue I’m having:

I had this code in the PC and all was working fine.
When the game loads, it gets paused, then creates a Loading Screen widget with an animation inside → adds it to the viewport → sets input mode to game only → adds a delay of 3 sec → then it gets removed from parent → MainMenu is created → added to viewport.
All was working fine.
I recreated the exact code in the GM bp. No errors, compiles just fine.
The loading Screen loads up fine… and nothing else happens. Seems to never remove it and never continue. Why? What’s going on?

Should this stuff not be in the GM bp?? Where else should I put this? Help a noob find his way around this awesome engine :rofl:


The game being paused is most likely your source of troubles as delays do not go forward when the game is paused. Is it necessary to pause the game?