Hello guys !
I’ll start from the begining . I’m trying to make a simple ladder for my test project , I found some very nice tutorials for the ladder itself , but I couldn’t find much about the dismounting/mounting on the top .
So after a few iteretions my ladder works properly , with a volume that sticks you to the surface and moves you up and down . At the top I have a second volume that when you enter from the ladder move the character in such a way so he can dismount . At that point I’ll play an animation . Now when I do the oposite , mounting the ladder from top , I have it set up so the player hits a button and the character is moved and rotated by a timeline . He is moved towards the ladder volume and down so he can assume the climbing position . Now my problem is the animation is smooth for the X and Y directions , also for the rotation , but when the character needs to move in Z , it becomes choppy , actually does it in 2 suddent moves .
The way I move the character is by storing its position when the key is pressed , than calculate a new vector for where he needs to go based on the ladder volume , then go into a timeline that goes from 0 to 1 , and have a lerp between the two positions with the timeline as alpha .
I made a simpler blueprint just for that up and down motion I have a problem with , and it persists . This screens here are from that blueprint . There is nothing else in it . When I press a key the character should move to the desired position 500 points above his inital one . But what happens is , he does nothing for a second , than teleports a few points into the air and than starts to ascend .
Im pretty new to programming and blueprints , probably I am doing something wrong . Maybe someone could help me see my mistake or maybe propose a better way of doing it .