Hi, I’m trying to create a character (3rd person) controller script in which pressing A or D will cause to character to walk in a circle in a desired direction (the sorf of movement you’ll find in Assassins creed games) rather than strafing left or right (e.g. MGS V). I have tried everything I found in other questions and rotating character degrees/second, but nothing worked for me. What would be the simplest way of accomplishing this?
Did you ever figure this out? I am also looking for something similar.
I did, I rotate camera around the character when he is moving right or left. I cant send u blueprints right now, so if this doesnt help u enough let me know I will send it to you tomorrow.
I dont really understand. I get the general concept but just cant imagine it in my head. Alittle more empasis would be helpful. Thank u.
I did it like this: If key for left or right is down and current acceleration of character is higher than 0, set bool variable to true, if not set it to false. And then in Event Tick if that bool variable is true rotate camera in different direction with Add Controller Yaw Input.