moving c++ projects to 4.6

there has been a lot of code changes in 4.6 preview, meaning c++ projects created in an earlier build throw a lot of errors.
my project is only small so its not too much work to change it, but someone with a bigger project will face a lot of extra work.

will there be something to help convert a project?

also will the c++ tutorials (fps for example) be updated?

Hi tegleg,

The 4.6 release notes will cover the changes, and Epic’s sample projects are being updated to match. I reached out to core engineer Robert M. recently to discuss the changes and expected issues users may face when converting. This is what he had to say, I hope it sheds some light:

thanks Stephen
all fine in theory, however, the shooter game throws real errors, not just warnings, and a lot of them.
luckily i dont use that but i imagine lots of people based their entire project on it.

here are just the errors from shooter game compile in 4.6 preview
11 errors, 110 warnings

Error	15	error C2039: 'PreLoadMap' : is not a member of 'FCoreDelegates'	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	68	1	ShooterGame
Error	16	error C2065: 'PreLoadMap' : undeclared identifier	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	68	1	ShooterGame
Error	17	error C2228: left of '.AddUObject' must have class/struct/union	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	68	1	ShooterGame
Error	18	error C2039: 'PostLoadMap' : is not a member of 'FCoreDelegates'	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	69	1	ShooterGame
Error	19	error C2065: 'PostLoadMap' : undeclared identifier	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	69	1	ShooterGame
Error	20	error C2228: left of '.AddUObject' must have class/struct/union	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	69	1	ShooterGame
Error	21	error C2664: 'void IOnlinePresence::SetPresence(const FUniqueNetId &,const FOnlineUserPresenceStatus &,const IOnlinePresence::FOnPresenceTaskCompleteDelegate &)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'FPresenceProperties' to 'const FOnlineUserPresenceStatus &'	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameInstance.cpp	524	1	ShooterGame
Error	32	error C2664: 'bool UBehaviorTreeComponent::StartTree(UBehaviorTree &,EBTExecutionMode::Type)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'UBehaviorTree *' to 'UBehaviorTree &'	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\Bots\ShooterAIController.cpp	31	1	ShooterGame
Error	90	error C2664: 'void IOnlinePresence::SetPresence(const FUniqueNetId &,const FOnlineUserPresenceStatus &,const IOnlinePresence::FOnPresenceTaskCompleteDelegate &)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'FPresenceProperties' to 'const FOnlineUserPresenceStatus &'	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Source\ShooterGame\Private\Player\ShooterPlayerController.cpp	956	1	ShooterGame
Error	120	error : Failed to produce item: C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.dll	C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR	ShooterGame
Error	121	error MSB3073: The command "C:\UnrealEngine-4.6.0-preview\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat ShooterGameEditor Win64 Development "C:\UE4 Projects\ShooterGame 4.6\ShooterGame.uproject"" exited with code -1.	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	38	5	ShooterGame