Moving backwards causes movement jitter

Hello everyone!

I’m having issues with movement jitter when I have a character move backwards. I’ve looked through the forums and other outlets and the solution was always related to animation blueprints. Since it ‘appeared’ to be related to animation blueprints, I removed the animation blueprint from the mesh and the issue is still happening.

Here’s a video of what I’m talking about:

If anyone can help me solve this issue, I’d be grateful.

Hey there @Nekot_The_Brave! Welcome to the community! This is definitely an odd one. It looks like your walking back is fighting over turning or not, or overshooting the turn in a frame and putting it back after. Are you inputting pure -1?

Try disabling your turning for your forward/back movement for a second to see if any other rotations occur during your forward/back movement. It obviously shouldn’t but I’ve seen some weird situations, like characters movement being overridden by Orient to movement input before.

And let me know how it reacts if possible.

Hello for anybody still having this issue and maybe a reminder for myself :smile:


Disable Orient Rotation To Movement inside the Character Movement component. Thanks.


@xLucky13z_ttv You possibly saved me days of work. Thank you!

Also, a quick note for anyone who needs to turn on/off Orient Rotation to Movement, but only for certain situations, you can do the following. Cheers!

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