Moving ACharacter along path from AIController Pathfinding using AddMovementInput()

Now that clients can calculate pathfinding and see navmeshes, I would like to make my character move along that path by providing information to AddMovementInput() rather than using AIController::MoveToLocation().

If it’s possible it could potentially solve many issues that stem from having the Character possessed by the AIController instead of a PlayerController. For example, NetworkRole will never be AutonomousProxy so client-side prediction wont run, IsLocallyControlled() will always be false - I’ve solved both those issues already and it took some time, but there’s only ever more down the road and if I could circumvent this terrible work-around altogether then it would save so much trouble. It’s still keeping my FSavedMoves at max capacity but nothing I can do about that, I don’t have the time to fix all the stuff that results from Epic’s laziness with their pathfinding implementation.

The other benefit of this is that the clients would be processing their own pathfinding and then moving via traditional means as if the game had WASD movement (as far as the server is concerned only!), therefore the server wouldn’t be calculating the pathfinding for all the players as well as the AI.

So far I have generated a path and placed debug points at every point that it moves between, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten, now that I have the path I’m not sure how I translate that to something AddMovementInput can put to use to move the character along it.