I was having issues with the Movie Render Queue renders not matching the framing/camera in Sequencer in my project. The camera always seems to be incorrect. So, to ensure that the settings of my project were not to blame, I did the following:
Did a fresh install of UE 5.3.2 and created a new, fresh project with nothing in it.
Added some Shapes (cylinder, sphere, cone) for reference.
Created a Level Sequence and created a Cine Camera actor and Camera Cut with the correct camera binding.
Positioned the camera to view the shapes.
Sent the sequence to Movie Render Queue and made sure to add a Game Override.
The resulting render still does not match the Sequencer Cine Camera.
These are the same frame: Viewed through the camera in cinematic viewport vs the Movie Render Queue result.
Frame rate is unchanged/unticked in the MRQ config.
I made a fresh install of 5.2.1 and created a project under the same conditions as the previous post, and composed a shot with Shapes (sphere, cone). I ran it through Movie Render Queue and the results match. Again, to be clear, the level only has one camera and one sequence.
I don’t know how prevalent or not this issue is, but it is quite easy to reproduce on my end, even after multiple clean reinstalls of the engine. For those who may find this while searching for solutions, I think this may be some sort of bug that’s present in 5.3.2, which is quite unfortunate for those, such as I, that use Unreal Engine solely as a rendering solution. Hopefully, Epic will address MRQ issues in the 5.4 release.
Just wanted to place a quick update on this issue. I downloaded the 5.4 preview version and the issue still persists. Render does not match the camera/sequencer.
Same setup as before. Blocking with Shapes, same Camera set up, nothing else in the project, etc. Still incorrect render result. Not super reassuring for the full release, but we’ll see, I guess.
This worked for me. I don’t know if this will work for you, but I’m sharing it here in the hopes that it does:
Select your Cine Camera. In the Camera Options section, make sure that “Constrain Aspect Ratio” option is ticked on.
In the Camera Options section, make sure that “Override Aspect Ratio Axis Constraint” is ticked on.
In the Camera Options section, make sure that “Aspect Ratio Axis Constraint” option is set to “Maintain X-Axis FOV”
In the Crop Settings section, make sure that you select a aspect ratio value that will match what your final render resolution will be. For instance, if you select the 1.77 (16:9) crop, you would have to render at a corresponding 16:9 resolution (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080, 3840 x 2160, etc). If you select the 1.33 (4:3) crop, you would render at a 4:3 resolution (1280 x 962, 1920 x 1440, 3840 x 2880, etc). If you select the 2.39 crop, then you would render at the respective CinemaScope or Panavision resolution. So on and so forth, you get the idea.
Image attached with the settings, if you prefer a visual representation.
This results in a render that matches what you see in the Sequencer preview.