Movie Render Queue and RT heavy flashing / flickerin

Hi Guys,

when i export my ray traced scene with Movie Render Queue i have a lot of flashing/flickering in the scene (i dont mean RT noise). Anti Aliasing on 128 seems to make it better, but that cant be the solution?!
In the video you can see result and settings in different experimentation → i often changed the lighting slightly at each render, therefore the difference in the look- main issues is just the flickering.
Anybody here encountered a similar problem?

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with and without RT same problem on my end, a bit less notable with RT

I know this is a late reply - but I thought I would drop this in for anyone who’s looking.

The pathtracer uses a denoiser to tidy up a frame - however they are not denoising across multiple frames, so you get this boiling and flickering.

What I do is turn off the denoiser, render out the frames, and then use a post process denoiser in After Effects like Neat Video.

Alternatively, you could look into using the beta denoisier (nvidia AI optix) which has a temporal mode.

You’ll have to enable the temporal mode with a console command - but it shouldn’t be too hard to google.

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