I have a full sequence that i would like to be rendered. When i view the sequence in the Sequencer everything works and looks perfect. I Then go to render it with the movie render queue but it isn’t rendering the full sequence.
The render is rendering the entire frame range but not the full sequence, so in 3600 frames it would render all 3600 but it wouldn’t match what was shown in the sequencer.
For example i have a full rotation of a product in the sequencer, start and end on the camera cut track covering the full rotation and when played in the sequencer works perfectly. Then in the final render it would render maybe only half of the sequence but in 3600 frames.
So it would complete the render as such but it would only have been half of the sequence in the 3600 frames rather then the full sequence.
There is no custom end frames or anything else so im stumped as to what is making it different between the sequencer and what is rendered.
Any help would be appreciated!