MoveToLocation not working in 4.11.1

Hey there,
Our team recently updated from 4.10.4 to 4.11.1.
Nothing was changed between the update. Our code compiled. However, now the MoveToLocation function (called in c++) doesn’t move our Characters anymore. Has anyone experienced this issue? Any ideas on how to fix it?

Here is the code where it is called, from the Controller on our Character inherited class.

	//Execute the spending of ap for our action.
	if (GetAP()->Push(apSpend))

		HGDebug::Log("Unit spent " + FString::FromInt(apSpend) + " to get to its destination. It has " + FString::FromInt(GetAP()->GetCurrent()) + " remaining", LogUnit, true);

it reaches the debug statement and logs it out, but the unit doesn’t get to its location. Also, when I check the value of the EPathFollowingRequestResult that I get back from this function it returns successful.

Do you have Navigation system placed in your world? I just tried the below code in 4.11.1 and it works.

// MyAIController.h
void MoveAI(FVector Destination);

// MyAIController.cpp
void ATestAIController::MoveAI(FVector Destination)

I called this function from my player character class and it worked.